Welcome to the Golden City :: ASGARD !

Potentially the most beautiful megacity on Earth2


The most beautiful mythical city possible on Earth2

Asgard link


Marvel the Majestic Palace !

Powered by 3x750 portals, the Asgard palace is a 3k+ tiles of Golden landscape

Home to the - Tree of Life

Explore the 9 realms in Yggdrasil - as you traverse through the beautifully landscaped (2k+tiles) Tree of Life zone and the Tree itself

Fun cosplay

Meet Mighty Thor or the All-Father Odin or dress up as Surtur; choose whichever Avatar you want to roam the streets with

Best in class infra

  • 3x750 tile teleport zone within the Asgard Palace grounds
  • F1 sized Race Circuit with an expansive PvP zone with multiple arenas
  • Well laid out city grids and extensive connected road network


Race Circut and PvP Zone

Walk the Rainbow bridge - Bifrost

Feel beneath your feet the magical Bifrost as you enter Asgard


Asgard is supported by  - SINGULARITY

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https://discord.gg/w6AUANQUFG (SINGULARITY)

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